
Chapter 40

"Sure, Let's go now!" she pulled me to the parking lot. We got into her car and she drove it. I just noticed that we were going in a different direction. Because we have been traveling for a while.

"Hey Girl!" I shouted.

"Oh why are you a grumpy girl?!" she replied and the bitch laughed.

I closed my fists."Do you want this?" I offered. She just shook her head.

"Just a joke! C'mon.. Hershey, sometimes you take part in my jokes. It's so boring when you're so serious!" She said pouting again, tss I look like a man, yes, why is that? My elbow is too tight.

"Where are we going?" I asked, when I changed the conversation. I felt annoyed. It's like we're not going to SM. It's boring.

"Oops! I forgot, by the way we're not going to SM. Honestly, we're going to Reunion." She said while smiling. Tsk already said, I should not come. I sighed. My friend is also being kidnapped. Too brainy. Shocking. I don't want to come. This is the case.

We have reached our destination after 12435876429830 years.
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