
Chapter 74


"Hi Sebastian," I said to him, shifting on my feet awkwardly.

"Hi Thea, you look… Breathtaking."

Sebastian said.

"Thank you." I smiled up at him.

He looked more handsome than I remembered. I realized that he'd cut his hair and shaved his beards.

"You don't look bad yourself." I told him with a nervous smile.

"Uncle Seb!" Lily came rushing down.

"Hey, kiddo!" Sebastain grinned as he crouched down to pick her up.

"I've missed you." Lily said , hugging her uncle fiercely.

"I've missed you too.". Sebastain said as he huggwd her fiercely.

"I got you something." He said.

Lily's eyes immediately lit up at that. "What is it!"

"Your favorite candy and new shoes."


"Yup." Sebastian said and handed her a small bag.

Lily snatched it from him and opened it. She grinned wide when she saw her new shoes and hugged him some more.

Sebastian put her down and encouraged her to go try it on.

"Thank you, Seb." I said, this time with a genuine smile. He waved me off as if I had insulted him f
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