
My first night at the stranger's house


“Okay? Why don't you take me back to where I'm coming from if you are too mighty to be questioned like that, then get your ass a wife! pay me off and I will fucking leave your bushy evergreen forest called estate. I don't like what I hate” nagged out, creating a great stare at him nut as carless in return.

“Haha, I never knew whores seek attention… Uhm. Lovely” Alastair mocked.

he held my hand, and walked me to the wall, with my back laid against it as he sniffed on me again, my heart started racing, and I could feel the sweat proving its way beneath my shoe, it began to slip. Just one more word from him and it will go down tonight. 

“Not your way, Latifa,” Alastair said releasing me from his warmth and creamed skin “…You need to shower” 

“OMG,” I gasped as I detached myself from him totally, and walked into a private space to nurture my emotions again. to speak strongly to myself and remind myself why I was there in the first place. If only this young, handsome man would stop messing with my brain. I left for the bathing room as a strong husky voice accompanied immediately. 

“I will be waiting at the dining space, if you are hungry”

Of course, I’m fucking hungry!

I muted like a dummy, startled at the same time. I continued with the bath, and just then, a sharp thought came to my mind. Oh, I didn't come with any clothes for a few days, that was another thought that had been boiling in my small mind throughout my bathing journey but I was out of the bathroom to see some pieces of designer nightwear, skincare products, and a soft flat flip-flop laid on the bed. 

“Oh shit, this is not my size” I was given a white sleeveless fitted top and an oversized light Pink shot for a combination, I changed to my flip-flop slipper and strolled my way to some unknown compartment before I could discover the dining room, I saw him seated with his hands crossed together and a glass of brownish liquor on the table, I guess he was waiting for me.

I held the oversized area of pink shorts with my left hand as I counted each step leading to him with my head bowed low.

“You lost your way down here, I know,” Alastair said boldly with his comforting eyes gazing through my night makeover, the nightwear, and the flip-flop smacking the floor.

He kept calm and didn't compliment me. I went for the second seat away from him and waited for the mini banquet. A Nanny came through to dish the meal and the other chef stood aside with bottles of several drinks.

“Which do you prefer,” Alastair said directing his gestures towards the men with the bottle

After the meal, I took a glass of red wine to flush it all down.

“Nice meal,” I commented, still taking every bit of content left in my plate.

I was feeling myself and the whole scenario until one of his boys approached and whispered to him. He peeked at me, stood up, and left the room to the entrance where a man dressed in a navy-blue suit handed him an envelope as both exchanged handshakes. 

“Follow me, Latifa” he ordered and walked past me and headed to the stairs that led to his big chamber, another room that had a different decoration which I doubt I had been before the dinner, I could see his things lying around the room, windows situated at the rightfully places with a flawless white curtain floating by the wind direction. On the ceiling was an oversized two-tier crystal white chandelier emitting gleam.

“Have we been to this room?” I asked Alastair who in return didn't reply to me

It had already been a long day for me, all I needed was to catch some sleep and rest my head, not the attitude he was putting on. When apparently it was made clear he wasn't going to touch me If he can't sleep or couldn't sleep, at least I can.

When we got to the space, there was a bed. Law of attraction. I was really attracted to the bed notwithstanding Alastair’s presence. i jumped into it.

I fell to the large bed instantly, grabbing as many pillows as I could.

“Aww, so soft and banging like my fat ass.” I dozed off on those words 


 On hearing the door being opened, as slamming footage fellows’ suit, I refused to open my eyes. It was my first morning in a stranger’s mansion. Someone who has refused to tell me anything about himself and denied me intimacy is a total stranger.

“Good morning Miss Latifa,” a voice greeted.

I opened my eyes and it was Alastair, sipping from the mug that he carried as he continued “You sleep quite soft, like a baby” pulling the bed cover off my body, revealing my nightwear which was halfway from revealing my hip. My breasts were exposed already. Without hesitation I took the duvet back, resting it on my chest as I made the rest of it cover my nakedness. Why would he do that?

I could bet he slept thinking because he had sack bags surrounding his eye.

“Good morning, sir_ Alastair I mean,” I whimpered, stretching out my hands up to the invisible air as I yawned like I hadn’t been up all along.

“Dress up and be down for breakfast, don't be late Latifa,” he said with his deep voice, his dark eyes roaming within mine making me shy and uncomfortable. Beholding such a face first thing in the morning may have been a deal for him but they scare me. He dashed to my bed, venting a warm short kiss on my cheek as he was about to leave.

“Hey!” I shouted, “What will I be doing today?”

“Breakfast first,” he replied coldly and left without looking twice,

“Ok” I responded in his absent

My first night in a stranger's house wasn't bad after all, mm-hmm, as I searched for my cracked phone under the pillow with which I had slept.

“Oh, bad girl, I know she's going to call me” I giggled, glancing at the unattended missed calls, three of them were from Wendy. I know what she had called for, she would start up with how her night went and before I knew what was happening, I would have spilled the whole tea to her, leaving nothing behind. My phone starts ringing again.

“Talk of the terror” I smiled behind the call “Hello, shorty” I teased Wendy over the phone, and laughed so hard on hearing her deadly laughter cracking from the background.

“Why did I ever have to know the nasty part of you, Wendy? Hope you made cool cash last night?” I replied, “This will be the talk for another day, I need to go for I'm still on duty with a stricken, zero-patient man” I conceded over the phone.

I just described Alastair who at the moment should be waiting for me in the dining room.

“Yea, he is too bossy,” I chuckled as I continued, “Authoritarian? Hmm I think so too, I need the money and you know that” I kept replying

“Hell no, hahaha, he’s not my type, trust me... just a client, Wendy, I need to go” I lied as I hurried the call.

Alastair zoomed in like a thief and my heart drifted away. I ended the awful call, feeling guilty but not too much. But who knows how much he heard about the call with Wendy. Damnit!

Am not your type I assume” he mumbled, standing by the doorpost as he observed the scene but he began again. “I have been waiting, Latifa” he lamented, as he stretched out his right hand to me “Let’s go for breakfast”

Wow, how dare he act cool even after hearing that, omg. I took his hands and followed as he led us to the dining room.

“Sit close to me Latifa” 

And if I say no?” I argued,

“Is that what you want, miss?” he replied softly.

That’s not what I want.

The corner of his lips brightened up in a smart smile even Tho I was becoming unnecessarily stubborn but yet he kept the smile that turned me on and on.

“Alastair,” I moaned, as this very urge crushed my emotions, the sensation in my belly increased leaving me with no option, I moved closer to him staring down at my plate and the plentiful amount of breakfast served on the wide table. I picked up my fork and knife and began slicing and feeding as my hands trembled.

Oh, holy cow. What am I setting myself into?

“Eat up,” he ordered gently,

I couldn't respond to that because I had a lot of food in my mouth but I could count how many times I had a piece of food from my spoon straight to my mouth. Sorry, I was only being food-minded.

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