
29 // Bank Robbery

27 June, 2017

Had it not been for the phone call she received after she left Logan Parker at the harbour, perhaps she would have had the courage to face him the following day, but the more she thought about it, the more convinced she was that she wouldn't have mustered it. She had skeletons, and so did everybody else, but they wouldn't compare to hers. She had closets and closets full of skeletons which were bound to destroy any little relationship she thought she had with Logan. 

It had been almost two weeks since she left Cape Town, and she knew that she could not hide forever, especially after Samantha's scandal. The board had called for an urgent board meeting concerning her 'lack' of commitment, and it was in her hands to stop them from having a "No confidence" vote on her, although they would not have succeeded because no matter what; her shares, Jorge's shares and Alastair Cooper's share outnumbered the rest of the

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