

Alva wondered what she was supposed to wear to her first meeting with her father-in-law. She had no idea, as she had never been in such a scenario before.

She wondered if she should look casual, corporate, or normal, or… She just didn't know. Then there was the hair and the jewelry to wear and the makeup to do.

She sighed in frustration and lay down on her bed.

There was one person she could call though at that moment, and she hoped that person was free. She picked up her phone to call Jessie,

“Hey Alva, what's up?”

“I have an emergency crisis right now,”

She could see her friend sitting up and getting alert at that sentence, “What is it, tell me, is that bastard treating wrong?”

She sighed, “No, I just don't know what to wear…”


“I have a dinner meeting with Jaxon's dad and I absolutely have no idea what to wear or how to look, what should I do?”

“I'm coming over right now, wait for me,”


She cut the call and stayed on the bed, hoping Jessie would arrive there on time, a
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