
Chapter 268


Patel turned from watching the two ships and that purple banner flaring out. The rest of the sails appeared furled; the ships anchored though they looked ridiculously close to each other. It gave him a wild hope that perhaps the other girls had survived. I'm sure Sian or Kass could manage such a feat, he thought.

The cavalry soldier cleared his throat.

'Oh! As close to the water front as the high tide will allow. It needs to have enough open space around it for the survivors to witness the crowning and for the cavalry to gather around.' He motioned to the soldier, and they walked toward the water. The camp teemed with activity, soldiers trotting back and forth with freshly cut trees, others stripping the branches and levelling the lengths to ready them for use. Half the Medanga soldiers worked at cleaning and polishing all the armour and weapons while several dozen Rodhite centaurs cantered off to shoot and catch enough food for a suit
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