
The decision

“That is enough!” The alpha now yelled over everyone. “I have heard enough and I do not see remorse from you, Melina.” She began to yell again but this time, “I command you to be quiet, all of you!” I had never seen the Alpha’s true anger and seeing it now told me he was more understanding than I’d ever known about the situation. I respected and valued him more than ever before. With his command, the entire garden became quiet and Melina to having no choice but to listen to her Alpha. “Melina because you show no remorse for your actions or give me any reason to allow you to stay in your position I hereby demote you from high priestesses and pray for the moon goddess to bring us a high priestess of the white wolves who can lead with respect and honor.” The Alpha looked up and then gave a signal.

I saw the guard from behind now restrain her and then with a quick motion the other bring out a hot iron and they now burned Melina’s skin as she cried out where her High Priestess marking wa
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