
Chapter 43


The echoes of laughter and music faded into the night as the party came to a close, leaving behind a lingering sense of exhaustion and unease. As the revelers dispersed, I found myself standing alone in the dimly lit corridor, the weight of the evening settling upon my shoulders like a heavy cloak.

I turned to find Lucius beside me, his presence looming large in the darkness. His gaze bore into mine, a silent challenge that left me feeling exposed and vulnerable.

"Come, Vesta," he said, his voice smooth and commanding. "It's time we retire for the night."

I bristled at his presumption, the bitterness of our forced proximity souring my mood. But I knew better than to defy him, knew better than to invite his wrath upon myself.

Without a word, I fell into step beside him, my footsteps echoing against the marble floors as we made our way to his chambers. The silence between us was thick with tension, a silent testament to the animosity that simmered beneath the surface.

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