
Chapter 81


Amidst the chaos, I focused on the immediate threat in front of me—a cloaked figure lunging towards Mason. Reacting instinctively, Mason dodged the attack, his claws meeting the assailant's sword with a resounding clash.

"Nice try," Mason grunted, pushing back against the attacker.

Lycidas engaged another cloaked figure, his movements fluid and precise. "You picked the wrong pack to mess with!"

I glanced around, realizing that the cloaked figures outnumbered us. Fear crept in, but I couldn't let it paralyze me. Spotting an opportunity, I lunged at a distracted assailant, my wooden claws meeting their side. They staggered, momentarily thrown off balance.

"Take that!" I shouted, more to boost my own confidence than anything else.

The leader of the cloaked group observed the chaos with a sinister satisfaction. "This is amusing, watching you pups struggle."

As Mason and Lycidas fought with unmatched determination, I noticed a glint in the leader's hand—a small, shimmering vial. Before
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