
Chapter 91

Mia's POV

I watched in shock and not a little exasperation as Lycidas walked out of his cave, throwing back at me the same exact words I had used to escape him earlier.

I stormed out of Lycidas' cave, frustrated and annoyed. The audacity of that wolf, walking away without letting me speak. It was beyond infuriating.

Seeing Mason in the cave, I couldn't hold back my complaints. "Can you believe Lycidas?" I exclaimed, arms crossed. "He just walked out like I don't even exist."

Mason looked up from inspecting his fingers, a hint of amusement in his eyes. "Lycidas has his own battles, Mia. Maybe you both need to meet halfway."

"Meet halfway?" I scoffed. "There's no common ground with him. He despises me, and I can't say I'm a fan either."

Mason raised an eyebrow. "You know, there's this thing called chemistry. It's like an undeniable connection. You and Lycidas... there's something there."

Rolling my eyes, I dismissed the notion. "Chemistry? Please. He's just an arrogant wolf who thinks h
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