

The first thing he noticed was the small but scary-looking gun the other guy brought out seemingly from nowhere and casually pointed at him.

The second thing he noticed was that this was no ordinary robber but a hardened criminal. The look in the man’s eyes

was cold and mean enough to freeze even the hottest parts of hell.

“Get in.” The man told Derek, angling his head to indicate that Derek was to get into the open passenger side of the car.

“What do you want from me?” Derek asked, stalling and trying to see if he could find a way to wrestle the gun out of the man’s hand.

He wasn’t by any means a trained fighter or anything, and this man who was waiting impatiently for him to get into the car looked like one who fought and shot people for a living.

However, Derek wasn’t about to just hand himself over on a platter of gold, so he tried again.

“Is it money you want? I have tons of it and would be more than glad to part with some of it if we both just agreed to forget this unfortunate l
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