

The enormity of Mikel's demands had initially seemed like a lifeline, a way to escape the suffocating grasp of her financial troubles. But now, as she sat surrounded by the remnants of her shattered dreams, Bella couldn't help but feel a gnawing sense of regret.

The contract with Luke had promised her a way out, a chance to pay her dad's bill, start afresh, and leave her troubles behind. But now, it seemed like nothing more than a cruel trick, a mirage of hope in an otherwise desolate landscape.

And then there was Avery, the one person who had always been there for her, no matter what. Bella couldn't bear to think about the pain she had caused him, the betrayal of his trust weighing heavily on her conscience.

And now they were gone, stolen away by an unknown man whom she knows not of. Bella's heart ached at the thought of their loss, a tangible reminder of her failure and her descent into darkness.

With a heavy heart, Bella broke down into tears, the weight of her despair crashing ove
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