

Avery's POV

Avery glanced at his watch, realizing he was running late. The meeting had extended longer than expected, and his mind raced through the agenda as he hurriedly wrapped up discussions. He turned to Jess, his secretary, with an apologetic smile, "Jess, I need to rush to the hospital. Please conclude the meeting and email me the summary. Thanks."

Without waiting for a response, he swiftly left the meeting room, the door closing behind him with a muted thud. Avery briskly walked to his office, his thoughts consumed by the urgency to reach the hospital. He needed to be there for Bella and her father.

In his office, Avery grabbed his bag, containing important documents he planned to review at home. He swiftly pocketed his car keys and left, eager to be by Bella's side. As he exited, he unintentionally bumped into Henry, who was heading home.

"Sorry, Henry," Avery mumbled in passing, not pausing to acknowledge the greeting or inquire about Henry's day. His mind was singularly fo
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