

Bella carefully balanced the steaming plates of food as she made her way to the dining table. The aroma of the meal filled the air, making her stomach growl with anticipation. She called out to Avery, who was busy on a call, his brow furrowed in concentration.

"Avery, dinner's ready," Bella said softly, trying not to interrupt his conversation too much.

Avery turned to acknowledge her with a nod, raising his hand to signal that he needed a minute. Bella placed the plates on the table and sat down, her gaze drifting to Avery as he continued his conversation with his partner. She couldn't help but admire the way he handled himself, his voice calm and confident as he discussed business matters.

Minutes passed, feeling like an eternity to Bella as she sat there, watching Avery. Eventually, he hung up the call and walked over to the dining table, a concerned furrow still etched on his brow.

"Oh my, I must have kept her waiting for long," Avery said to himself as he noticed Bella dozing off
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