
By her

Walsh, who was on the college campus, stirred among the blankets in his dorm room, pressed himself against a pillow and stretched out his foot, which hit something firm. Alisha was awakened by a noise of a falling object and discovered that Louis had been waiting for her for a long time, as Alisha had kicked her back causing Louis to drop a can of tuna on the floor from fright.

He sat up in bed.

"Ouch" complained to pained the doctor, Louis was sitting on the edge of the bed, luckily the young woman was not sharing a room with anyone, it would have been very embarrassing. "It's your way of greeting, I should apply it to you."

Louis showed his perfect teeth in a smile.

"Why are you here?" Alisha rubbed the back of her hand over her eye, she was very sleepy, should her cousin arrive so spontaneously. No. Dazed from her sleep. She dropped back onto the bed, settled back, "Turn out the lights" Walsh ordered in a murmuring voice.

"Someone called" the doctor reported, her cousin ignored an
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