
17- Panic

I'm trembling like a leaf, staring at the empty seats with my jaw on the floor. I stagger as my legs lose all strength and I still refuse to believe my eyes.

"I kept it right here," I mumbled to myself in the empty garage. "Why isn't it here?" tears drop on my cheek and I quickly wipe them off, telling myself to remain in control.

I can just call Christopher and confirm if he took an envelope. He can't catch the cheque anyway. It definitely has my name on it and no one besides me can get the money. I'm not panicking over it being stolen, I'm worried about it being hidden.

No one would take something useless to them unless they had the intention to spite me and these days, Oliver is my first guess.

It's his chauffeur anyways. He must have answers.

My thoughts flash to his cold behaviour last night when he confronted me and I looked down at the bandage that I only noticed now thanks to the cut from last night's violence.

While he had shown indifference this morning, I wondered if h


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