
4- Oliver's Grandfather

I open my eyes to the bright morning light, alone in our bed. I didn't even know when he left for work. I was completely exhausted from our rounds of sex and passed out halfway.

That was the only way I could sleep, otherwise, I would've been up all night, probably crying and sobbing like a freaking baby.

The side of the bed where he used to occupy feels cold and I clutch the sheets tightly with a hole in my heart.

Sooner than later, I'm going to be a live-in mistress. No doubt, when he's not sleeping with me, he's across the hall making love to another woman-- his wife.

What right do I have to even complain and seek his attention?

I lie flat on my back, resting my hand over my head to block the rays of the sun and to hide my tears rolling down the side of my face.

Every joyful memory I've had with Oliver now stands at a distance, far from my reach, leaving behind only a wrenching feeling of despair and emptiness.

God! Will this pain ever end?

Sighing deeply, I pick myself up from the bed and run a cold shower. My whole body hurts from our vigorous fucking but I'm not complaining. It's my little way of remembering just how much this man desired my body last night.

I head straight to the hospital for my weekly visit to my mother. Just like every other day in the past fifteen years, I meet her in the same condition.

She's lying on the bed, showing no signs of waking up. I wonder what she's dreaming about. I hope it's not too peaceful and comfortable so she doesn't feel the need not to return.

I should feel bad for wishing she had nightmares but please, mom, just open your eyes and tell me 'It's okay. I'm here now, Rebecca.'

I have little memories of what she sounds like but each day, it keeps growing faint and I fear I may forget completely.

Her body has already been cleaned up by the nurses and now I just run my fingers through her black long hair. "You need a haircut," I mumble as tears suddenly wells up in my eyes.

Never have I ever felt so frustrated in all my life. I'm wiping my tears away so fast, this is not the sight I want her to see when she wakes up.

If she ever wakes up.

"Please," I beg, rubbing my eyes over and over. "Please just wake up, mom. Please."

I'm choking on this Earth all by myself. The only man I thought I had, was never mine to begin with.

Flashes of my life before I accepted his ridiculous offer waltz in my head and I squeeze my fist over my chest.

I used to go to college, used to have a long list of friends from school and all my part time jobs but after associating with Oliver, I lost it all.

I let go of everything just to hold on to him, to spend time with him. It was dangerous going to college, the press was always on my neck. I couldn't even have time for group work when Oliver provided me with bodyguards.

He was always calling to ask where I was.

"Leave there. Come outside, let's go somewhere for the weekend," he was always smiling at the other end of the phone.

My grades dropped, I couldn't even graduate and eventually, I had to drop out.

Molly and I grew apart after she reached out, yelling at me for not graduating. I don't know how it happened. How did my life go by so fast?

Holding onto one man has gained me a lot of enemies. Everywhere I go, there are people pointing fingers and whispers being made. They chuckle at the word 'gold digger' and some even say it to my face.

The same man I gave up my whole life for has a fiancee. Is this my karma?

"When you wake up, let's leave the country and start somewhere anew." I press a kiss to my mother's head, tears dropping on her face and I wipe it off.

Somewhere far away, where she'll never learn that her daughter was once a gold digger and a freaking pet. A place where I can kiss and mend my own heart.

My daydream puts a smile on my face and I step out of the private hospital with high spirits and my disguise wrapped around my face to conceal my identity from the nosy press.

I'm walking alone in the parking lot, heading to my car when I see a bodyguard standing next to it.

I freeze with my heart leaping into my mouth. He's staring right at me with a straight face.

There's a sense of familiarity hovering around him--

"Miss Hoffman,"

"Ah!" I yelp at the voice from my side and spin on my heels with fright. There's another bodyguard next to me.

"I apologise for startling you," he lifts his head. "Please, come this way. Your presence is needed."

He steps aside and I notice the black SUV with tinted windows.

"Is that...?"

I recognize it now and all my senses are blaring in fear and panic but my legs still move anyways. He holds the car door open for me and I come face to face with his strong stare.

Oliver's Grandfather.

He exudes a heavy air around him, and I feel the pressure in my chest. My legs are trembling at his deadpan eyes devoid of life. He holds a silver walking stick between his legs, resting his arm on it-- Oliver had once mentioned he had beat him with it.

I'm trembling to my boots.

What does he want from me?

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