

Two months had passed since Kristen was admitted to the hospital, her life hanging in the balance.

In this fragile state, her loved ones clung to hope, praying for her recovery and cherishing every precious moment they had with her. Among them was Zach, her husband, who now sat by her side on a beautiful Saturday morning, the room devoid of any other presence.

Alone with his thoughts, Zach's heart was heavy with regret. He couldn't help but replay the events that had led them to this point.

He regretted ever doubting Kristen, believing that she was the real 7665, the notorious killer who had haunted their lives. The weight of his misguided beliefs pressed down on him, tormenting his conscience.

His mind wandered back to that fateful night when Kristen had unexpectedly returned home and discovered him in the arms of her friend, Meg.

Zach couldn't help but wish he had never succumbed to temptation, never betrayed the vows they had taken together.

Yet, amidst the current sit
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