
59. Taking Them Home

"You are pregnant. With a baby?" Ansel said and stared at her blankly.

Elisa rolled her eyes. "Yes, Ansel. With a baby. What else would I be pregnant with? Puppies?"

"That's is the father?" he asked awkwardly.

Elisa glared at him. "For fuck's sake, did you just ask me that?" she cursed, forgetting they were still in the car with Audre.

Ansel gasped and covered Audre's ears who was sleeping peacefully on his lap. "'re going to wake her up." He carefully placed her on the spot  next to him and then covered her with his jacket.

He looked at Elisa afterwards. "Elisa, I..." he stopped talking as he realized she was crying. He pulled her to his chest and stroked her hair. "I'm sorry, babygirl. That was a bad jo

Angela Lynn Carver

Hey guys. Ansel and Elisa's story is about to come to an end. HOWEVER, I'm going to add a bonus story about the grown up Audre. It's not going to be super dramatic just a little summar fling type thing. What do you think? Is that a good idea or are you guys sick of reading about this family? LOL. Heck I'm gonna do it anyway LMAO. I hope you guys stick around.

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Comments (4)
goodnovel comment avatar
Alanna K. Brown
What happened with Jessica? I thought she was going to try to cause trouble?
goodnovel comment avatar
Bera McNeal Myers
Yes keep it going. I love your stories about this family. I was overly happy when you continued on from Ariel and Ivan. I was sad when I finished reading their story. Then I was happy again lol
goodnovel comment avatar
I would love to read a story featuring Audre and the twins.

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