
Prologue (Two)

- Who are you to tell me what to do? You thieving piece of shit. Your company is bankrupt and you still manage to push your little daughter on me, trying to get money. - Robert took a step forward and was stopped by his father, who gave him a big shove.

- Baby, let's go. - Lola pulled his hand away, trying to get his attention so that it would be over soon, maybe he had gone too far.

- This weekend I'm leaving this place, away from all of you. I'm not taking over this shitty company and much less accepting another kind of marriage. - Robert practically spat in the face of his father, who controlled himself not to hit him anymore in front of all those guests. It was a great shame, there were friends there, partners. A situation like this would become a scandal in the San Francisco media, enough to end years of struggle for recognition for his company.

- Your cards will be canceled, all the money in your account will be withdrawn, and you won't get a penny of my money, much less your mother's. - He touched his son's shoulder. -This motorcycle of yours was bought with my money, but consider me a good person for not taking it too. You're leaving town? Good, learn to work and have your own money. Stop embarrassing me. - He mumbled between his teeth while his son seemed unresponsive, not expecting all this, neither he nor his girlfriend. - Because that's what you are. Shame on you, Robert. -After slapping him on the shoulder, she walked away, crossing her arms and seeing that all the guests were there, watching everything from the balcony. None of them turned their backs so as not to witness the situation. Roney was afraid of what would become of his company.

- Don't forget, Linna. Thank me for not coming to marry you, because your life would be much worse waking up next to me every day. - He smiled smugly, put on his helmet and climbed on his motorcycle, Lola climbed on the passenger seat without saying a word, put on her helmet and Robert left the place singing tires, annoying her father even more with that stupid noise. A great provocation.

The place of the ceremony remained in complete silence for several minutes, until the minister said that there would be no more wedding and practically ordered everyone to leave, after all most people still wanted to know what that shaken bride was going to do. Daise, her mother, bent down and hugged her daughter's slightly pudgy body, listening to her sobbing as she burst into tears.

- I'm so sorry about that, Conan. - Barbara approached her husband feeling totally tense, she knew her son was irresponsible. But to do that show? On a day that would be so important to her family it was an act of disrespect. As a mother she loved him very much, but not even love would allow her to let this happen. Much less that she could forgive him.

- My goodness my little girl. - Conan had his gaze lowered, watching his wife clutch his daughter tightly. Even from outside the place it was possible to hear her cries.

- I'm really sorry, if you want to sign the contract so we can just be partners, we'll be here. - Conan looked at Roney with tears in his eyes.

- You forgive me, Roney, but I can't accept anything more from your family after this. - He didn't wait for anyone to respond, he went to his family and helped his daughter up. Her face was blotchy from the smeared makeup and millions of tears kept falling as if there was no limit to such a thing. Hugging her mother back and sitting part of her body held by her father Linna felt dizzy and her body ached as if she had been in an accident. But that was an accident, wasn't it?

Faced with anything Robert could do, before the wedding or after, Linna never imagined he would be so cruel. Not in this way. Exposing her intimacy to all those people was as if a weight had fallen on her body and was hurting her, and would continue to hurt her for quite some time. Her honor had been destroyed, to humiliate her like that was low. She could even understand his position if the two of them were in a conversation alone, but at the altar? If it were real, her fiancé would tell her how beautiful she looked, but what she got was a truckload of lies and rude words that would bring her future nightmares.

Calling his family a thief, saying that she would only be with him out of interest... Robert really didn't know how to meet someone with a good heart and didn't pay attention to even one word she said when they talked like two normal people.

Never would Linna tolerate them hurting her family, humiliating them like that as if they were insensitive. There are problems, everyone has problems, and fortunately for many of them there are also solutions. This was a win-win solution for both companies. The marriage would be controversial and would help her family, and with that would make new partners come to the Scully's company. Bringing more money to flow between the two almost merged companies.

That really could be the worst of the situation. But it wasn't.

She never imagined Robert being in a relationship, if he talked to her and talked about his life, she would deny the proposal with a good argument. It is not in her character to marry someone she loves and who is dating someone else. But to say it there was also shameful, it was hurtful. The woman was his opposite, at least in appearance. Lola looked like a model, blond hair straight down to her back, very slim, bright blue eyes. She looked like a charming woman, surely Robert had many reasons to stay with her. With the one he truly loved.

- It's going to be all right, daughter. - Daise rested her head on her daughter's shoulder letting a few tears fall, she would never forgive herself for having accepted her daughter's decision to marry to help her and her husband.

- Why did he do this to me? I know he didn't want to get married but to say those things, to expose me like that. - Linna couldn't finish her sentence without sobbing.

- I didn't know that you did certain things to him. - Linna knew that her mother would ask about it, she just didn't imagine it would happen so fast.

- It happened only once, two weeks ago. We met at a club, started talking, and we were too excited to drink. We got a room and it happened. - He took a deep breath, feeling a bitter taste in his throat. - But please, I don't want to talk about it. I don't want to talk about anything involving this man. He and this family from this day forward are erased from this family, what Robert did is unforgivable.

- You are right. - Suddenly the raindrops began to drip against the window, making his thoughts suddenly calm with the noise.

- Our family will recover, our company will grow. All of San Francisco will know about us. We won't need anyone, we're as capable as anyone, Mom. I will get this company off the bottom. - She held her mother's hand tightly, still letting tears fall. Daise smiled and brought her thumb to the apple of her cheek, wiping the wetness away. She had no one who believed in her more than her parents, even being an only child is the greatest pride of her family. Unlike Robert for his.

- Everything you touch turns to gold, my child.

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