
39.5 ( Back At Palace )

Ameera lay on the plush bed of her opulent presidential suite, her body enveloped in comfort. The suite, adorned with exquisite tapestries and adorned with the finest craftsmanship, was a stark contrast to the tumultuous streets of Jaipur she had recently wandered through.

As the vibrant colors and intricate patterns of the palace surrounded her, Ameera couldn't help but feel a mix of awe and displacement. She knew she was back at the palace where Peter Lucia and Sunena Malik's wedding function was taking place, but her shattered heart and the weight of her recent experiences lingered, casting a shadow over the festivities.

In the room, a figure sat quietly in front of Ameera, her eyes filled with concern. It was Leela, Sunena's mother, a woman of grace and warmth. Leela had always exuded a nurturing presence, and her maternal instincts kicked into high gear as she witnessed Ameera's fragile state.

Leela reached out and gently took hold of Ameera's hand, her touch offering solace and
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