

Zoe dumped her bag on the bed, tiredness nipping at her bones. Leo had gone to bed early and Emily was just having dinner. Zoe took a quick shower and joined her friend.

She forked one of Emily’s scrambled eggs into her mouth. "Your cooking skills have not improved one bit."

"My cooking is fine. Your taste buds are just crap."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night." Zoe took two more bites and dropped the fork. "I met with Sparrow today."

"Who is Sparrow?"

"The hacker. Keep up," Zoe said. "He wants a job at the company."

"That is a bold move. This dude keeps surprising me."

"Henry went completely nuts when I told him. Do you think he would hire Sparrow?"

Emily shrugged nonchalantly. "I do not know. He might. Enough with Henry. Who was that cutie who dropped you off the other day?"

Zoe gave her a look. "Who? You mean Daniel?" Emily nodded. "That is his annoying secretary. He is like the calmer version of Henry. Mean, nonetheless."

"He is totally my style."

"I would advise you agains
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