
Emily's Flip Switch

Emily bursted into Henry’s office at Magatech, looking furious as ever. She had been keeping quiet for too long, and she decided it was time he got a piece of her mind.

What kind of a man cut off funds from a woman with his child? She would excuse him for not knowing about the baby. But how would he render her penniless like that? What gave him the right to lord over her life that way?

Henry was sitting behind his desk, sharing in the same angry expression. He wanted to know who this woman was and what gave her the right to barge into his office anyhow she liked.

"Emily?" Daniel said in surprise, thrown off balance with her grand entry. "What are you doing here?"

"I need to have a chat with your boss," she said, her eyes never leaving Henry’s.

"What is the meaning of this?!" Henry bellowed. "How dare you walk in here unannounced?!"

"Do you know how much I am holding myself back from punching your stupid face in?"

"Emily," Daniel stepped in front of her. "Calm down and let us tal
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