
Chapter 51

Time froze, and Noelle's heart raced out of control. She instantly wished she could take back her words, wondering why she had ever blurted them out.

Her cheeks warmed with a blush, and she could not bring herself to look at Charles, feeling totally mortified. Girls were not supposed to ask guys questions like that, were they?

Charles watched her, a playful smile creeping into his eyes as he saw her squirm. His fingers drummed lightly on the table, each tap echoing in Noelle's chest.

Noelle chewed on her lip, her embarrassment growing. She felt like she had lost all control of the conversation. "I mean... just forget I asked, okay? Don't take it seriously!"

"What if I do take it seriously?" Charles's voice was cool but teasing.

Noelle was ready to just shrug off the whole awkward moment, but Charles's response stopped her cold. She looked up at him, her eyes wide with surprise. "What?"

She had figured Charles was just messing with her, especially after his earlier gesture, and sh
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