
Chapter 6 - The Appearance of a Foreign Human.

On arrival at the control room Liem asked the General

"General. What's the matter, my friend. Why are these alarms all ringing together all the time?"  Liem asked.

"I do not know it looks like we have guests who are not invited this time" replied the general.

"Who is the person or creature that can come here in the middle of the cold air on this Antarctic continent" asked Liem

"Maybe this is just a system error, calm down I have given orders to my subordinates to immediately check it" replied the general.

Then suddenly out of nowhere in the room there was someone sitting on a chair and that person had really made the atmosphere in the room a surprise the arrival of that stranger.

The stranger in the room said,

"Don't worry, we came here just to pick up someone we have been looking for for a long time and we are waiting for" said the stranger.

All gazes directly at the voice.

It turned out that the stranger was a man and the General finally said and broke the atmosphere in silence

"Who are you, where have you come from and since when have you been in this room?"  The general asked the stranger with a face that still looked surprised.

Then he (the Foreigner) answered the General's question by saying

"Sorry before I suddenly came here and with that I will introduce myself. My name is Victor, here I come to pick someone up" said the stranger who turned out to be Victor.

"Who do you mean by wanting to pick up someone you've been looking for and waiting for?"  General asked Victor.

"He is someone who was prophesied to be the Chosen One in the last days" replied Victor.

(Prophecy is a written message that will definitely occur in the future).

With a face that was very full of confusion mixed up in the minds of everyone in the room.

Again the General asked Victor

"Who is the Chosen One you're talking about, Victor?"  Asked the general with a face full of curiosity.

Then casually smiling Victor and with his eyes fixed on Liem.He 'Victor' finally pointed his index finger at 'Liem' and said

"He is the chosen one" replied Victor

It seemed that everyone in the room became even more surprised at the explanation of the stranger named Victor.

Before long, Victor could be seen standing up from his chair and walking slowly toward Liem.

Liem touches by holding his shoulder by Victor and with a smiling face to Liem after that Victor said to Liem

"Hey the chosen one I am glad you have come to meet the invitation letter then are you ready to seek answers from the invitation letter itself?" Asked Victor.

Then Liem smiled and stood facing Victor and said

"Even I have never once in my life felt this prepared" Liem replied, looking at Victor

Awakening from curiosity the General said again

"So it is your goal to come all the way here then how can you come here even we can't see you from our radar will your arrival? General asked back to Victor

"You! What do you mean I'm the only one who came here?"  Said Victor mocking the General's question then continued his answer,

"Here I come not only alone, but on the contrary I come here with my friends and my trusted subordinates," said Victor in response to the General's question.

Then Victor pointed something with his index finger towards a radar in the room and said,

"Is that your detection device called a radar machine by the occupants inside and can you not see or detect our arrival from the radar machine before, it's really funny, you all" said Victor who mocked everyone.

How shocked the General's face was when he saw in his Radical Machine that suddenly there were lots of red dots around him which indicated the number of people around the Secret Headquarters that he had been guarding all this time.

Then the General asked Victor again

"How can you do all this and how do you have a super sophisticated device that makes the Radar Machine unable to detect your presence?"  The General asked curiously

Then Victor just laughed very loudly in the room

"Hahahaha Hahahaha hahahaha" Victor's voice laughed out clearly visible on his face and then said

"Don't you think we all know this place you guys have formed in recent times?"  Said Victor in a loud voice

"You humans on the inside are very stupid creatures but often feel the most powerful and powerful selves" Said Victor

who then laughed back

"HAHAHA HAHAHA HAHAHA" Victor's laughter grew louder in the room.

Shortly Liem said to Victor

"Then will you take me where I started from this place I will continue to go and come with you wherever you take me to answer my curiosity so far?" Liem asked Victor

Then Victor said and answered Liem's ​​question

"We will come to a place that will definitely make you not regret coming to this place we are going to and I am sure you will really like that place and hopefully all the questions you have been looking for in your life there you will find the answer yourself.  "Said Victor answered Liem's ​​question with a smile and glanced at Liem.

"Looks like the place is very interesting" said Liem.

Then Victor again said to the General casually and smiled

"Don't worry, we are humans just like you and we are also the ones responsible for guarding this border, but the difference is that you are providing guard on the inside and we are on guard on the outside," said Victor.

The general asked Victor again

"What do you mean by guarding the outside and the inside?"  The General asked Victor with an increasingly tense expression on his face

Victor sighed and smiled

"Looks like you guys are really stupid even though all of you who have been on this continent all this time, okay, I'll answer a little" said Victor.

"You guard the border of this ice and you come from inside this circle of ice while we come from outside this circle of ice and then we are called the Northern Continent which is called the Zeon where we are" Victor replied explaining again,

"We actually know you who live in the circle of ice from hundreds or thousands of years ago, but on the other hand you don't know us who live outside this ice," said Victor.

"You are the inhabitants of the world in calling this ice the South Pole, not whereas we instead call this ice the North Pole because if you count the location of this ice is on the upper side of the Zeon Continent, our homeland" said Victor.

"So you mean by none other than that the world we live in all this time which is known to you as the inner world is just like an island in the middle of a lake" Said the General with a serious face.

"Yes, more or less like that because the size of the world is not there, the size of our place is Zeon. Even in the Outer world, there are still many continents, big continents that are more than where we come from," said Victor continued.

"This ice is the dividing wall between your inner world, our inner world and our outer world, even in our world, there are many things that you have been looking for and are a mystery to your inner world," said Victor.

The general stammered

"Are you all human?"  Asked the General with a frightened face.

Then Victor laughed again

"HaHaHa HaHaHa" The voice of the laughing Victor then smiled again and said

"Are you not able to see with your own eyes how I am or do you think I am the Jin or the demons (half human and animal)" replied Victor.

"Well, I am a human being just like you, so long ago when this world was hit by a very terrible flood because the rain that fell simultaneously everywhere was like a swift waterfall that fell from the sky to the earth and the whole mountain erupted simultaneously everywhere.  causing all the springs in the earth to rise to the surface. Do you know Noah's story? "  Said Victor Explaining.

The general said

"Yes, of course because it has been in the books of all religions, so what happened after this incident?" Said the General

Then Victor continued his story

"That's when the ice plains began to form, which made the barrier between your world and mine. Then over time, among the children of Noah's descendants who had survived the incident they walked around this earth with their wives and descendants, and among the children of Noah there were those who had survived the incident.  managed to walk through this Ice Continent before it was formed as it is today "Said Victor continued the story

"But at that time it was not completely ice like now it seems I think enough because it has explained a lot to you and we can't tell you more about who we are" said Victor.

"Do you know aliens?"  General asked Victor but Victor just smiled.

"Looks like people like you will not understand the language we have said even though I have tried to explain in the easiest language, that is your language" said Victor shouting and glaring his eyes Victor said back.

"Do you think it is easy to learn to understand your language which is the language of the deep man?"  Said Victor angrily.

"We are educated for those chosen to come to your world with great difficulty in order to find information about your life from time to time".  Said Victor

"Well, I think I'll tell you a little that the aliens you mean are humans who have been cursed for breaking promises to our people not to enter your world carelessly" said Victor.

"We also have rules regarding policies and prohibitions that we must obey so as not to interfere with internal human affairs so that there is no damage to natural ecosystems," said Victor, explaining the rules the world came from.

"Never mind it seems like it's useless I explain to you again. I think that I have said enough everything you need to know and for you Liem the Chosen One are you ready to go to the New World?"  Asked Victor to Liem

Liem smiled and said

"Let's go." Said Liem with a very happy face.

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