
Another Battle

It hadn’t taken too long for the demons to come out of the corners once the numbering process was over. It seemed as if the portal opening may also have had something to do with it, as Aaron noted they tended to move faster during the time that everything was shifting. This battle was taking longer than the previous ones, probably because there were more assailants, and he reloaded his Glock with the last clip he had on him just as something that looked like a cross between a dust bunny and a Wonder Mop shot out of the shadows, barreling toward him. Trying to conserve ammo, he shot it only once and regretted it immediately as the monster knocked him hard into the lava rock wall behind him.

A knee to the groin did nothing to the creature as the monster opened a hole in its face he could only presume was its mouth and bared rows of sharp teeth. Aaron used the heel of his hand to strike the monster right beneath the opening, assuming that would have the same effect as a bl

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