
Into the Woods

Eliza knew where Christian really was, too, but she wouldn’t say anything. Thanks to the information Cassidy had passed to her through him, Eliza and her team had managed to take out two of the six thugs on the list on consecutive nights this week, and that night, they planned on heading after Honey herself. Christian wished Eliza every bit of success and that she would serve as a distraction to Daunator so that he wouldn’t see Christian coming or be prepared when he showed up.

The cityscape turned to forest and mountains quickly, and Christian checked his IAC to make sure he was still headed in the right direction. Finding Daunator might be the most difficult part, or the easiest. Either way, nothing about this adventure would be simple, but it needed to be done.

A woman’s voice crooned at him in Czech over the radio. Rather than fiddling with the knob until something came through in English, he decided to leave it be. There was something soul stirri

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