

The demon baby was running amok, leaving bleeding Guardians and seriously injured Hunters in its wake, and Cadence couldn’t help but compare the damn thing to that little psycho Bonnie. It tore through another Hunter, leaving the girl’s leg bleeding profusely, on its way to Cadence. It was hard for her to believe the mother would let her own child attempt to fight her battles for her, but then, Holland was just the sort of parent she imagined would’ve also left her kids alone in the car while she went inside to grab some more menthols despite hundred and ten degree weather--if she had been a human.

Despite the chaos unfolding around her, Cadence heard the distinct popping sound of the portal opening to her right. It fell in line with the demon child seeking her out, so she couldn’t pay too much attention to what was happening. She needed to fend off the beast while still managing to get Stewart into the portal, and once the opening began to take shape,

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