
Cahpter 182

“You know, that reminds me—I was there when it happened. Pearl definitely detested Darius, but here she is, coming to university with him. It must be because of his sudden wealth.”“I would never have expected her to be someone like that. She’s the third prettiest woman in our university!”A man standing silently nearby suddenly said, “I have a different point of view. If even someone like Pearl’s starting to hang around him, just think about how rich he really is!”Darius stopped walking and put a hand in his pocket. An ugly look crept onto his face. He didn’t understand why Pearl had fled earlier, but he now did. Once rumors started flying around about them, it wouldn’t be an easy feat to prove their innocence.However, the matter with the Gillette family had yet to be resolved. He couldn’t act like he didn’t know what was going on. So, he amplify his voice to the point that everyone present could hear him. “I’m chasing Pearl. We’re not officially together yet, but I hope you don’t sprea
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