
Chapter 34.2

She would have slapped the man in front of her in the face right now if she had been able to do so at the time. The fact that Daniel was standing in front of her, obviously waiting for her to finish her bath, caught her by surprise as she walked out into the bathroom. Amira, on the other hand, has finished putting on her pajamas!

"Oh my God, you've terrified the very daylights out of me!"

Daniel must have understood right away that he had caught Amira off guard with his behavior.

When he saw Amira's reaction, he couldn't stop himself from laughing. "I'm sorry, I thought you were in the living room." "I'm sorry, I thought you were in the living room."

"I'm utterly taken by surprise!" Amira responded by wiping her hair with the towel that she had taken with her to the meeting. "Why? You're getting ready to take a shower?"

"U -Yeah, I would have had a bath if I could have. However, I was completely unaware that you were taking a bath, so I'm taken aba

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