
They got married

Chapter 44


As I drive Ariel and myself down to the registry office, I continue to ask myself if what I'm about to do is right. I know I love her, but is it right to marry her? What about Alicia? How will she feel if she finds out about this? I have already hurt her so much, she's going to be broken if she finds out that I married Ariel behind her back. Gosh! Aren't I a bad husband?

"Are you ok?" Ariel's voice pulls me back to reality, and I glance at her before I nod my head.

"You don't look like you are fine. Are you regretting your decision already? We can go back from here if you don't want to do this. I'm not forcing you to do this, I swear it," She utters, but I quickly shake my head.

"Not that... I'm fine, honestly. Why will I regret my decision?" I stutter nervously, and she slowly nods her head. I don't regret this right now, but I'm just not sure if I made the right decision.

"Alright," She mumbles before she turns her gaze outside the window w
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