
Chapter 46 – Broken


I’m powerless as I watch Crimson retreat from my room and shut the door meekly behind him. As soon as the sound of the door latching to close fills the thick silent air, I collapse to the floor.

A sob wracks through me. Believing that he actually left. I scramble to my feet a few moments later and rush out the door hoping, praying, that he comes to his senses and I find him waiting. That he has changed his mind and he really isn't leaving. That he really didn’t lie to me. That he didn’t withhold information.

We were meant to be a team. He said he loved me - Made me promises. And now he’s broken them along with my heart.

I rush down the stairs to the main foyer, flinging the front door open only to see the back of his car disappear down the gravel driveway. “Crimson!” I shout. But I know he doesn’t hear me. I try to establish a mind-link with him but I’m met with a wall.

The anger and hurt sear through me, my head pounds, and my feline, Juniper yowls with grief. “You lied,” I

We are getting so close to the end of this book. But there's still more to be revealed. What do you think? Should Tawny forgive Crimson? Is she overreacting and did Crimson just make yet another bad decision by not telling her about his deal with Abner Brooks? Do we want a happy ending for crimson and Tawny, or just Tawny? Leave your comments and let me know what you think!

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Comments (10)
goodnovel comment avatar
Ugh! I don’t agree with how Kolby is behaving but Tawny is just overreacting. She shouldn’t just throw everything out the window just because things are not going well. She’s acting like a spoiled child, not a queen.
goodnovel comment avatar
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Szilvia Kelemen
May be it is only me, but it is just does not sit well with me, that Tawny should be a Queen, and she is leaving Cambiador without any hesitation. For me it is out of caractere and childish. I understand the pain and heartache, but still... Where is the sense of duty?

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