

Episode 87

Hailey was caught off guarded as never expected the kiss. She blinked her lashes and she immediately pulled out of the kiss and away from Nolan. Nolan got on her feet and moved closer to her but she immediately shank away. “I don’t think we should be doing this!

Hailey had suddenly thought about it and it felt weird, They were on deal, They were suppose to be in contract. It was an arranged marriage from the onset but Nolan had gave her a chance to have her life back, she doesn’t want to miss use the opportunity or have Nolan blamed himself for giving her that chance.

“I think I’m in love you Hailey” Nolan confessed shocking Hailey.

Though at first she had thought Nolan liked her but with his sudden change in acts , she had thought it was just her own stupid imagination but hearing it plainly from him gave her a cold chills that ran through her body. Hailey blinked continuously.

“I said I’m in love with you, won’t you at least give me a reply? Nolan had added.

He had fall
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