
Chapter 143 Another Poor Parrot...

When they were talking, they had already arrived at the outside of the Jianjia Court where Song Zaishui lived. Before they went in, they first heard waves of birds singing and sometimes the cries of maidservants. When Wei Changying was about to say, "Cousin's court is as noisy as expected," Song Zaishui's face suddenly changed and hurriedly said, "Too bad, does Snowball pick up the parrot to eat again?" She didn't have time to explain to Wei Changying, and she ran inside while holding her dress.

Seeing this, Wei Changying hurriedly followed up.

When she entered the door, she smelled the fragrance of flowers and heard the sound of the birds. The whole courtyard was clean and tidy, and the green brick floor was swept spotlessly with thin brooms so that there was not even a single fallen flower or leaf. There were lush trees all around, with colorful flowers in between. On some flower branches that were a little taller than people, there were ten bird shelves

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