
Chapter 41

*Candace pov*

I was really grateful to Selene that my sister was alright and very healthy, from what she has told me there were a lot of ways things that could have easily gone very badly very quickly but instead she survived them all, I am not really shocked regarding who she is, she had always had a fighters spirit about her even when we were kids growing up, she did not know how to quit and mostly beat up those who challenge me because they mostly get tired before she does, she would ware you out until you submitted and nothing could ever bring her down.

“So what about you? What is your story and what brings you to our pack little bro?”

I knew that question could be answered in two ways Officially or unofficially and both answers

though may not seem correlated but both had the same end result

“Well that question has two answers to it” i knew i could trust her, her loyalty might be to the pack but I was certain she would never sell me out

“Which are?” She asked curiously

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