

Khalid POV

As Alexis and I sat on a bench outside, seeking comfort in each other’s company, a guard approached, holding a letter in his hands.

His expression was grave, his eyes filled with a mixture of urgency and concern. Sensing the weight of the situation, I took the letter from his trembling hands, my heart pounding in my chest.

I froze as I read the words scrawled across the page aloud, each words striking a chord of fear within me.

The contents of the letter revealed the unspeakable—the kidnappers had taken Meghan, and they were holding her captive. Time was ticking, and the stakes couldn’t be higher.

A rush of emotions surged through me—fear, anger, and a gnawing sense of helplessness. I couldn’t bear the thought of losing Meghan.

The person who had won my heart and woven her presence into every corner of my being.

She was my love, my reason for being, and the idea of her suffering in the hands of ruthless kidnappers ate at my soul.

My hands were trembling, and a cold sweat br
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