
True Luna's Return
True Luna's Return
Author: S.N Nina Arthur

Chapter 0001


In the heart of the dark forest called Mistwood Hill, where the tall trees stood watch and the whispering wind danced through the leaves like graceful spirits, there was a symphony of sound that echoed through the night.

I took careful steps as I monitored the plants along the banks of the river. It was the perfect time and place to find the moonflowers. The moon hung high in the sky, casting rays of light that illuminated my path. Moonflowers are a rare herb used mainly for their healing properties against wolfbane poisoning.

"Morana, we should head back," my best friend Hazel called out from behind me.

"We still haven't found anything, Hazel," I said. "We need at least two flowers for the assignment tomorrow, in case you forgot."

"Fuck the assignment, it's scary out here," Hazel said, walking towards me. I rolled my eyes at her and shook my head.

"We might have found it if you didn’t whine so much." I mumbled as my eyes continued scanning the bushes for any sign of moonflower leaves. She groaned and began searching.

Hazel never liked sneaking out of the packlands, especially at night. She is the youngest daughter of Sean, Beta, of our Mistwood Pack. Since I lost my parents in my childhood, she has been there for me every day. Even though I always remind her that I could be fine on my own, she never leaves me alone.

"Your brother is going to be pissed when he realizes we snuck out again," she pointed out.

"He won't know," I simply replied. "We'll be back by the time he wakes up."

My brother, Rowan, is the only family member I have left after the rogue attack that happened ten years ago. That's when I lost my parents and grandparents. We were the only people left in our family. Rowan vowed to protect me and take care of me, just as my mother requested, and he has been doing that ever since. Over the years, he grew increasingly protective, placing restrictions on me and not allowing me to do things without his permission.

I know he's trying to protect me, but it's starting to suffocate me. All my life, I've had one goal - to become a doctor. I was there when the rogues attacked; I watched my family die in front of my eyes, and no one was there to help them.

Those horrible memories still haunt me to this day.

I decided that I would become a doctor and help people.

"Morana..." Hazel’s voice was trembling. "Goddess…" I heard her gasp as she looked at something.

I followed her gaze, and my breath stuck in my throat. "Who's that?"

There, lying among a tangle of brambles and fallen leaves, was a man, unconscious, injured, and bloodied. I rushed toward the man and kneeled beside him, and with my trembling hands, I held his strong biceps and turned his body.

A gasp left my lips as I took in the number of injuries his body had. My trembling fingers pushed the strands of midnight locks covering his face, and my heart clenched inside my chest at the sight of his bloodied face.

He’s so handsome with his strong jawline, high cheekbones, and rugged features. His clothes were torn and covered in blood and mud.

"He must have fallen from the cliff," Hazel said, looking up at the cliff above us.

I examined the bruises on his stomach. "These don't look like the bruises caused by that," I said.

“What do you mean?" Hazel asked, confused. I pushed the fabric onto his stomach and examined the bruises he had, and I noticed they were not healing as they should. "These are stab wounds." A gasp left my lips as I realized. "Someone wanted him dead."

I quickly pressed my fingers against his thick neck and checked his pulse. It was there, but faint.

"Quick, we need to help him," I said urgently.

"What? But..." I cut her off. "He's badly injured, but we can save him, Hazel. We just can't leave him to die," I said determinedly.

"Fine, I'm mind-linking Jaxson and calling him here," Hazel said. I turned to object, but she cut me off. "We need help moving him from here," she said, pointing her hand at the unconscious man in my lap.

My eyes moved to his body, and I noticed how tall and muscular he was. Shaking my head, I quickly grabbed my satchel and searched for something to stop the blood.

I grabbed the unused cloth I kept inside for cleaning the mud off my hands and quickly tore it into two pieces. "Here," I said, giving a piece of cloth to Hazel. "Tie it tightly on the wound."

I wrapped it around the wound on his stomach and tied it tightly, stopping the blood from oozing out. I glanced at Hazel, who tied the cloth around the bruise on his back.

"What are you two doing here at this time?" Jaxson made his way toward us.

"Morana, your brother will ground you if he finds out about this." Liam walked behind Jaxson. Liam and Jaxson are our classmates and also my close friends.

"I can deal with it later, but let's just save him first," I said, gesturing at the man.

"Who is he?" Liam asked, curiously looking at the unconscious man.

"We don't know, we just found him here," Hazel replied. "Hurry up."

We grabbed his unconscious body. Liam and Jaxson placed his large and muscular arms over their shoulders and carried him.

"God, he's heavy, what does he eat?" Liam exclaimed, grunting. Hazel and I helped them carry his body as we made our way towards the pack.

"Where should we take him?" Jaxson asked.

"To my house.“ Everyone turned to me.

“You guys can’t take him to your houses since you live near the pack house, and guards will make it impossible," I said. "Which leaves me."

"No," Hazel said, shaking her head. "If your brother finds out that you brought a stranger to your house, he will stop you from ever meeting any of us and definitely stop your studies."

"Big no!" Jaxson said.

"Yep," Liam joined.

"But guys, my brother is a trainer. He stays mostly on the training grounds, and he hardly comes by the house. We can hide him in the attic." I said.

"No, we can't risk it, Mor," Hazel said, shaking her head.

"It's the only option we have right now. My house is far from the packhouse and Alpha's. We can sneak into the attic using the back door and stairs in my bedroom. My brother never goes to the attic." I tried to convince them.

Everyone looked at each other, considering my suggestion but still not fully agreeing with me.

"Okay, fine," Hazel said, looking at the unconscious man. Her eyes roamed over his handsome face.

"We will help you with it," Liam declared.


With great difficulty, hiding from the pack guards, we brought the unconscious man to my house. Our breaths were ragged and labored as we lay the man down on the couch near the bookshelves in the attic, which continued to my bedroom. With a sigh of relief, everyone collapsed beside him, our bodies trembling with exhaustion and relief.

“Oh god,” Hazel breathed out while stretching her hands and legs.

“Guys, we should leave before her brother wakes up,” Jaxson suggested, and she stood up. Everyone quickly stood up.

“Yeah, we should leave,” Liam said.

“Bye, take care.” Hazel’s eyes moved to the unconscious man. I nodded at her and watched them make their way towards the door. A sudden noise broke the silence, startling us. Everyone froze, glancing at each other in fear and panic.

"What was that?" I murmured, my heart racing with fear creeping over me.

Before anyone could reply, my bedroom door flung open, revealing a dark figure—a sight that sent shivers down my spine.


“What’s going on here?” My brother demanded it as he stepped into my room. His voice was sharp, and his eyes fixed on me with suspicion and alertness. I stood frozen in place. “N-Nothing.” I smiled and glanced at my friends.

Rowan’s eyes narrowed. “Morana?” I watched in horror as he inhaled and stilled. His eyes moved to the attic.

“What’s the smell? What are you hiding?”

Comments (2)
goodnovel comment avatar
oh, the suspense!!
goodnovel comment avatar
so far so good

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