
Chapter 47

Scarlett's POV

My eyes fluttered and opened slowly, with my head aching as the sudden brightness of the room fell on my face. Someone just tapped me, waking me up from the deep sleep I must have drifted into.

I rubbed my eyes to clear my vision, and right in front of me were those students who had been beaten by Dracula alongside me. They were both standing upright, staring down at me like I had grown two heads.

I could only recognize the girl who I knew after the proprietor introduced her to the school as a special student, all because she had the Lycan King token of friendship or whatever it was.

Slowly, with an uncontrollable yawn, I sat up and glanced around to see where I was, and just like I guessed, it was the school hospital.

That was where I landed after being dealt with by the Lycan prince. The same man I was crushing on and feeling jealous of because he only had interest in Ella. He almost killed me for marking Ella as a slave, and I just can't understand why he was sudde
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goodnovel comment avatar
K. Gensley
Author can’t even remember his own character’s names
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