
6. Break Through




Enrico hit his daughter for the first time. There was a mixture of anger, guilt and pity in his eyes... But none could cover for what he did.  What was done was done, and he knew that.  


"Dad...?" Felicia whispered, almost on the brink of tears. Both their faces held surprise, as if both of them still couldn't believe that he hit her.  

Suddenly Felicia broke in tears and ran back to her room and despite what all she said to her,  Avery still felt bad for her step sister. She should have been the one receiving the amount of affection and care that Avery received from her dad.  And as soon as the thought hit her mind, it was so hard that it instantly brought a great amount of guilt with it.


She was wrong, she has always been wrong to think that the love she is getting will not hurt anyone else... But it did...

Avery turned and ran towards her room.  

"Avery! Avery stop!" Enrico was saying, but she didn't. She was tangled up in her own threads of weakness and pain so much that her dad's voice calling out to her didn't reached her ears. She was on the verge of breaking apart, and she couldn't let her dad see that. 


She ran up towards her room as fast as she could and locked the door.  

As soon as the click of the lock sounded, the tears fell down her eyes that she was holding ever since. Avery tried her best to get along with everyone... mostly her sister, but guess she was never enough. And now, she is tired. Wiping away her tears she stood up and took out a big travel bag. She opened her large closet and started filling the bag with the most important things and clothes. 


"Avery..." She heard the pained voice of her father. She wiped away her tears again and cleared her voice. 

"Yes dad?" She answered.

"Sweetheart, please open the gate." He pleaded. She ran towards the mirror and checked her face once again. Avery didn't want her dad to know that she cried but no matter how many times she washed her face, the red rings around her eyes gave her away. Taking deep breaths she finally opened the door. The pained expressions on her dad's face made her stomach sink. 


"Dad..." was all that left her mouth. 

"I'm sorry..." He said and Avery instantly placed her hand on his mouth. 

"What are you saying dad!?" 

"I promised to give you all the love and protect you... but my own daughter hurt you." He said.

"And that is none of your fault dad. Instead it is my fault that I was not able to make her accept me."

"No baby you-" He said but stopped when his eyes landed on the suitcase behind Avery. 

"What is that?" He asked and entered the room further. "You're leaving!?" He turned to look at her. 

Avery could not say a word. She could not even look her dad in the eye.


"Dad... I can't live here anymore.. I tried dad, I tried my best. But things just aren't working and you can see this too." She said and his face fell. 

"Well of course I could see that." He whispered but she heard it. 

"Are you really going to leave me here, alone?." He said and walked towards her.

"I'm not leaving you dad. I'm going to move to your hotel, where you have your head office. So like this I can see you everyday. I'm not at all away from you dad. I love you and I won't let you go just like this." Avery said smiling and held her dad's hands.


"Alright. But you will live in the penthouse. I'll call the hotel and let them know." He said and has already pulled out his phone. 

"No dad, it's really ok!" She tried to reason but his dad silenced her.

"The penthouse is big and most importantly safe. I can't have you living away from me until I'm sure that you're safe there!" He said and she knew there was no bargaining with him. 

"Ok dad. I'll leave tomorrow." She said and couldn't ignore the sadness that passed through his eyes. 

"Alright... I should go check on Felicia. Wish me luck, she must be very sad and angry." He said and Avery gave him a thumbs up as he walked out of her room. 


Avery walked toward her bed and slid under the sheets without even changing.

It has been a long day... 

And she never knew when she fell into a deep slumber. 



"I am so glad you finally shifted! I never really liked that bitch Felicia.. whenever I visited your house she used to look at me like she'll eat me up... and not in the sexual way." Rina said as we all placed the boxes in the main hall. The penthouse was beautiful. It had a different lift straight to the top and that no one else was allowed to use. Except for the roof and floor 50% of the walls were made up of glass. The bedroom was even more breathtaking! It was so huge and the sunset view would be directly visible from the bed itself. 


"Waahh. I'm so jealous of you Avery. We can have night stay here often right?" Samuele said.

"Of course we can, now that bitch isn't here. And Avery can even bring over boys at this place, now that daddy is not here too." Rina said.

"Yeah, I think that is possible now." Avery said and just stared at the rising sun. 


"Let's finish it fast Avery, we need to go to the cafe too." Samuele said, suddenly Avery could no longer hear the excitement in his voice that was there a moment ego. 

"Alright.." She said and they got back to work. 


About an hour later she was already ready and in the car with Samuele on their way to work . She was quite happy with the penthouse and as promised she even met her dad before leaving. But still there was this nagging in her heart that this house is nothing compared to that one. It's big and safe but it is deprived of the love that filled her previous house. But she only staying here for a few days, soon she'll have her own house and she will make sure to fill it with that love again. Avery fished for her phone in her bag and instead came across a folded paper. 


She took it out and unfolded it. She saw the beautiful handwriting and it instantly lit up her face. The sadness and the gloominess that surrounded her was gone in a second. She doesn't know how a single line was able to give her so much happiness but it made her feel loved and like she belonged, it was magical....  

"Here we are." Samuele said and Avery looked to her left in surprise. It was a surprisingly short ride.


"What's that?" He asked.

"Nothing." She replied and folded the paper, keeping it back in her bag. Getting out of the car they entered the cafe and both of them got to their work instantly. The lunch break came shortly after. Avery sat at her usual table with a cup of coffee and opened her book, clueless of the fact that there was another beautiful note waiting for her. 



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