
Warm, Sunny Air


I don't run into Giovanni on the way back upstairs and don't see him anywhere in the house. Declan lends me a jacket which is about five sizes too big. When I slip my arms into it, I realize it's his from the scent of aftershave clinging to it. I find myself glancing back to be sure Giovanni isn't coming around a corner because if he was angry about me talking to Declan yesterday, he'll flip when he sees me wearing his jacket.

We climb into Declan's older model Range Rover and head into town.

"This bridge scares me," I say as we cross it.

Declan smiles wide, glancing over at me. I see two dimples beneath the scruff along his sharp jaw. His dark hair is messy, and he looks like he hasn't shaved in two days. He's wearing a Barbour jacket that looks well broken in and all I can think is how opposite he looks to Giovanni right now. How this is the side of himself that Giovanni hides beneath his expensive suits.

"Bridge is fine. It'll be here long after we're gone. Don't fret, Sienn
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