
15. Getting to know her


†The same day†

Rubbing my eyelids tiredly, I pulled myself to a sitting position. I woke up this morning with a migraine because I couldn't get a single bit of sleep after what transpired between Luna and me, last night. Why did I kiss her back? Have I been fantasizing about Luna Elaine for a long time? Or was it because I haven't gotten laid in a while?

I shook my head in denial, shoving those weird thoughts away from the forefront of my brain. What happened with Luna Elaine was a damn mistake and it should not be repeated. I scolded myself.

A soft knock erupted on my room door, and I shuffled out of bed, slipped into a white cloak, and demanded the person to come in. Alas, my omega, Gaius walked into my room.

He bowed in deference. “Greetings, Beta. You asked me to remind you about taking a quick survey of the ruins from the omega quarters,” he informed me.

“That's true. What about Sylvester? Has he been able to find out the cause of the fire?” I inquired, w
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