
63. T for Trouble


“I have been searching around for you, my lady. Where have you been?" Amy asked me.

“Out. Clearing my head." I replied as I made my way into the dorm.

“Please, Lady Elaine. If anything is bothering your mind, do not hesitate to discuss it with me.”

I turned and offered her a small smile. “Yes, thank you.”

Amy stared at me cautiously as if she was skimming through me then she picked up the folded linen on the bed. “You did very well today. Other servants were jealous that my lady came in second.”

I arched a brow. “Oh, is that so?"

“Yes.” she breathed. “Anyways, I will keep rooting for you to win the competition. I cannot wait for you to clinch that title and take it back to the Lycanfrost pack.”

I cannot wait for that too, I thought to myself before crashing onto the bed with a loud thud. To say I was exhausted was the least. Unknowingly to everyone, I was up throughout last night practicing my grip and precision, so it was understandable for my body to feel weary.

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