


"He's still in bed. Can't you come back later?" Uther's butler argues, trying to block my path.

"It's fucking eight o'clock. He should be up already." And it's Thursday, not even a weekend day. There's no reason for the asshole to be in bed sleeping at this hour.

Since I don't give a fuck, I push past the wiry little man and make my way up the steps to Uther's bedroom. The fool, however, follows, clearly afraid of me but more terrified of what his boss will do to him if he allows me to disturb him.

"Please, just wait," the man continues, but I ignore him.

I'm already cringing at the thought of seeing Uther again before the wedding, but I need to do this. I was really hoping Gytha would find something, but I know she would have exhausted all avenues before sending that message.

When I reach the landing and draw closer to Uther's bedroom, the distinct sexual sounds of moaning erupt from his room. I realize then why the butler was hell bent on stopping me.

When I glance back at h
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