


I walk into the sunroom with a glass of water and take note of how Camille looks sitting on the chair.

She's slumped against the side and looks like she's had the life drained out of her.

We've been in here for about an hour now with the doors open. We both need the fresh air. She still looks ghostly pale, and my head is still spinning.

We've been trying to figure things out and decipher where she was in her dream. She's told me her dream multiple times. Each time she's recounted it, I've tried to pick up on everything she's saying.

All I can think when I see her is that she's been here in this house before, and somehow, her past is entwined with the first people I considered family.

I can't wrap my head around it. Nothing makes sense to me, and I thought it was best not to tell her what I learned from Xiou because I don't want to freak her out any more than she is.

Right now, I have Leif on his way over, Zakh going through the Butyrskayas' records to see where Camille could h
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