
Chapter 582 Everyone at the Banquet Has Their Schemes

When Princess Ning of Prince Yi's Manor sent invitations to her banquet, news spread and caused a commotion.

Some were curious, some speculative, some intending to get on her good side... Many manors wanted to get their hands on the invitation.

But everyone knew that the banquet was Princess Ning's first official event after being promoted and would thus be a relatively small affair. Priority would be given to young ladies and mistresses from aristocratic families as well as Princely Heirs. After all, Princess Ning was still young and this was the first official banquet thrown in her name.

Not many invitations would be sent. Having too many guests would make it hard for Princess Ning to manage the banquet.

After the invitations were sent, everyone who received one expressed that they would surely attend.

Who would dare to reject an invitation from Prince Yi's Manor? Even if one was without curiosity, not attending migh

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