
Ch. 46

Ember's P.O.V.

It's never good when mom just randomly asks to speak to one of us. I wonder what she wants.

I knocked on the door of her study, knowing she'd still be there. She's usually in there until 8 or so. It's only 7 now. Dex managed to get me back in time. He did manage to spring a quick hug on me unexpectedly. It's okay, because he didn't try anything. It was more like a grateful hug.

I still have a lot of the crimson kelp left. Like a lot. I bet I have enough to go down and meet this infamous mother of Toni.

"Come in." I heard mom's voice from behind the door. She sounded focused, and had a bit of monotone going.

"Hey, Ash told me you wanted to talk?" I entered, closing the door behind me.

She was reading, but when she noticed it was me she immediately stopped. She got up from her study and gave me a tight hug.

"We need to talk about Ash." She told me looking me deep in the eyes. There was something there…worry?

"Um okay. What's up?" This is either really important or
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