
Ch. 61

Ember's P.O.V.

Ash has been really reclusive since yesterday evening. I am not sure why. He seemed okay enough during 8th period. I figured things would be weird, but I didn't think he would shut me out completely. My heart felt so broken when I went to open our adjoining door and it was locked.

I read through Dex's notes last night. They were helpful in understanding dark magic better, but useless in actually helping do something about it. The dark magic will only amplify Ash's dark impulses. The more impulse he acts on the darker the impulses will get. He's already slept with Rachel and beaten up Toni. I am not sure where he's going from here and it scares me.

I knocked on the door and I heard him fiddle with the lock. He opened the door and gave me a big grin. I smiled back, but both of our smiles were very clearly forced. I sighed and poked him on the side instead.

"You locked me out." I pouted.

"I know. I needed some privacy, Ember." He explained shaking his hand in my hair.
Locked Chapter
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