
Author Note

Hello to all!

With the holiday coming up, I am unsure of how much I will be able to update. I do work full time as well so I tend to write in the evenings. I will be back Sunday though. For those who asked, my son is doing much better and has almost completely headed from having RSV! With this being my first book, I am figuring things out and appreciate any feedback I can get! I will try to get on a more consistant updating system so it is not so random for my readers. Once again, thank you all for reading my story! 

Mrs. Smith

Comments (3)
goodnovel comment avatar
Right from the moment Nina felt an ominous feeling, 2 weeks prior, she was hoping it was nothing , her friends had always known not to make fun of her sixth sense. Suddenly losing all she cared about in 1 night was too much for her. She was glad that two of her friends chose her side.
goodnovel comment avatar
I’ve gotten a little ways into it so far it’s really good I feel bad for the poor girl losing two of her best friends and her parents but I know she’s destined for something much greater
goodnovel comment avatar
I’m so happy to hear the munchkin is doing better. Enjoy your holiday and I’ll be anxiously awaiting the next update! I’m obsessed with this story!

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