
139. Jason

He was filled with rage, rage that felt as if it would burst open within his heart and consume him. In as much as he tried to control it, he couldn't, just a glance at Kitty his upper lips curved in fury. Every step he took towards, he felt like dragging her upstairs and chaining her to his bed against her will, maybe then-she- no doubt wouldn't be able to go out with her lover.

As he kept applauding her, tears was rolling down his cheeks, his heart was crushing and each sound of his palm against each other twitched his ears. 

If he could, he would kiss her, caress her, apologize to her, but his pride wouldn't let him, and the undying rage he was still feeling for her not telling him about Carlos being her father.

In as much he was a man of extreme foresight, he didn't see that coming, and not this either. How could a woman who claimed to love him with all her heart suddenly was going out with another. It was a big blow to J

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