
Chapter 1089 Mine Or Caleb’s?

Meanwhile, Penny fell into a heavy sleep last night and did not wake up until noon.

She looked up at the sky overhead, where the sun shone brightly. By now, Sir Fergerson's funeral must have been over, right?

How was Caleb doing?

Was he really hiding somewhere, as Casby had said?

She felt tears welling up in her eyes. She thought that she should be by his side at this moment.

The door to her room was pushed open abruptly, and Casby walked in. Seeing her red eyes, he found it amusing.

"Worried about Caleb?"

Penny's face instantly darkened. In front of Casby, she was like an impenetrable wall, unwilling to reveal any of her emotions.

Casby noticed this, and his gaze turned harsher.

"Not in the mood to talk to me? Too bad. You'll have to stay by my side for a while."

He irritably tossed a cup of instant noodles onto the table. His tone was cold when he spoke.

"Eat up. After you're done, we'll leave."

Penny remained silent. Her diet had been very irregular these past few days.
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